Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nebraska Writers Have “The Goods”

Lincoln Nebraska screenwriters Andy Stock and Rick Stempson have hit the Hollywood big-time.

Once they were a struggling law school student and a tennis coach. But all that changed when their first screenplay, “Ball’s Out: Gary the Tennis Coach,” won the BlueCat Screenwriting Competition. Barely had filming begun on the project when they were approached to write “The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard,” the off-the-wall car lot comedy starring Jeremy Piven now in theaters. Piven plays a used-car liquidator—a clunkers-for-cash kind of guy. According to Stock, “It's an hour and a half of hanging out on a car lot with a lot of crazy characters.”

Lifelong friends since they met at a tennis tournament in childhood, Stock and Stempson have said goodbye to law school and coaching (mostly) to write full-time in Lincoln. Their next project is a detective story set in Florida.

The Goods (R-rated) is directed by Neal Brennan, who has worked for Dave Chappelle, and is showing in 1800 theaters across the country, including several in Omaha but not, sadly, in the screenwriters’ home town of Lincoln.

But that’s all right. When funnyman Will Ferrell is a member of your movie’s cast, you get over such disappointments quickly. Asked what that was like, Stempson said, “Mind-blowing.”

For more information: The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

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